Wesley Methodist Church

5 Fort Canning Road 179493


The origins of Methodism in Singapore can be traced back to the arrival of Reverend William F. Oldham in 1885, who was the nation’s first resident Methodist missionary. Services were held at the Town Hall (today’s Victoria Memorial Hall) until the first chapel opened a year later. In recognition of the church’s contribution to mission work and education, Singapore’s then-governor Sir John Anderson granted it a piece of land in 1907. This is the exact piece of land at Fort Canning (today’s site) of Wesley Methodist Church. It was styled after English Gothic buildings, featuring exposed brickwork. First known as Methodist Episcopal Church, it was renamed after John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, in 1910. Membership has soared since then, and the church has undergone several renovations to extend its premises. Opening Hours: Mon-Sun, 9am-6pm; Closed on Public Holidays, the day after Easter Sunday and the day after Christmas Day. Read more on their official website!


5 Fort Canning Road 179493
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